Category: Parenting

Book Reviews

8 Fun Books to Read With Your Toddler

It’s never too early to start reading with your little ones. Reading with your toddler is a fun and educational way to build a strong connection between you both. At this age, reading is all


7 Fun Videos to Help Teach Kids about Personal Hygiene

It’s never too early to start teaching personal hygiene and get your kids into a daily routine. When they’re old enough they will be doing it independently. Good personal hygiene will help your kids stay

Health & Fitness

Endometriosis Awareness Month: Melville mums share their stories

March is recognised worldwide as Endometriosis Awareness Month. A simple yellow ribbon represents the disease that affects roughly 1 in 10 women worldwide. Endometriosis Australia is a national charity that endeavours to increase recognition of

Book Reviews

8 Books to Help Kids Manage Anxiety

Your child’s anxiety about school, the dark or about being away from mum and dad is a normal part of their development. But watching your little ones eyes fill with fear or anxiety is one


Let’s Make it a “A Year of Resolutions”

A simple exercise to set (and reach) your New Year’s goals. Let’s be real, how many times have you told yourself that this is the Year you will stick to your New Year’s resolutions? Then,

Mum life

What is the ultimate number of kids to have?

As a mum of three, I’ve pondered this very question many times.I am the eldest child of five. There are 10 years between myself and my youngest sister. My parents had four girls and one

Health & Fitness

When Should My Child First See the Dentist?

Let’s face it, going to the dentist can be a scary experience, even for most adults. When we ask our new patients the question ‘Do you ever feel anxious about visiting your dentist?’ most people